John Sheridan

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John Sheridan played by Bruce Boxleitner

John Sheridan was born on Earth in 2216/20. He took command of Babylon 5 on the 8th of January 2259, following the reassignment of Commander Jeffrey Sinclair to the Minbari homeworld.

His appointment to B5 was not in favour with the Minbari government who called him 'Starkiller', after he scored what was arguably the only real victory of the Earth/Minbari War. He destroyed the Minbari flagship, the Black Star, and three Minbari heavy cruisers in 2247. Despite the Minbari's strenous objections the President of Earth insisted Sheridan take over command of B5, saying that he thought the Minbari had to much influence over an Earth space station.

Sheridan married Anna, a scientist, in 2249. They were very happily married until Anna susposedly died on an ill fated alien archaeological dig, to the planet Z'ha'dum in 2256.

After his wife died, he opted to take his ship the Agamemmnon on an exploratory mission out on the Rim, the edge of known space. He was then recalled to take over command of Babylon 5.

After a shakey start, Sheridan quickly found that he enjoyed running Babylon 5, and one of his first orders was to promote his second-in-command
Susan Ivanova to the rank of Commander. He also gave part of his life energy to revive the seriously wounded Garibaldi along with Doctor Stephen Franklin.

He was ordered to be relieved of duty by President Clark June 2260, but instead chose to have Babylon 5 secede from the Earth Alliance.

In December of 2260, Anna Sheridan arrives on the station. She is not dead, and she pesuades Sheridan to accompany her to Z'ha'dum. He does and is assumed dead, when his ship crashes into the planet.

January 17th 2261, Sheridan returns to Babylon 5, with the mysterious Lorien. He has only twenty years to live. He and Deleen marry at a private ceromony performed aboard a White Star ship at the end of December.

Sheridan and Deleen have a son, whom they name David, in 2263.

John Sheridan dies in 2281


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